Health & Saftey
We do ask for your support in maintaining high standards of care in the following ways :
All children are requested to wear plimsolls for the safety of themselves and others.
Smoking is not allowed on Pre-School premises.
Please also arrange to leave any dogs outside.
Any jewellery worn by your child to Pre-School can be dangerous when children are playing and we cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury resulting from this, therefore we would ask that children with their ears pierced only wear studs.
We need to know beforehand if anyone unknown to us is to collect your child and would be grateful if you could make their identity clear to us before they arrive and also write their name and relationship to the child in the book provided on the front desk. Any person under the age of 16 years will not be allowed to collect a child from Pre-School premises. This includes family members.
We can only administer prescribed medicines.
We request that your child does not attend Pre-School if he/she has an infectious disease.
Or for 48 hours if : they have had sickness or diarrhoea or are beginning a course of antibiotics.
All members of staff attend regular first aid training and have valid First Aid Certificates.